Mission to Guatemala
Visit to the Boys Orphanage.
I was very happy to go back to this home because I had not returned since the Pandemic. We have a small Dental Clinic, run by Italian nuns. This year I am very grateful because the facility received new digital x-rays, a new sensor, and dental supplies from the charity. Not coming for a while meant the clinic needed dental supplies, plus it was necessary to take X-rays.
Dr. Marielos and her Father who is a retired Dentist come once a week when they can and take care of the children's dental needs. The boys were excited to have the dental cleaning because they knew if they cooperated they would receive a toy, other clothes, a new toothbrush, medals, rosaries, etc.
Some of them have been getting treatment like sealants and fillings. Others have decay but their dental hygiene was not too bad. I was able to see about 100 boys in 2 days, they had cleans, exams, and Fluoride. I left many treatments that will need to be done, Dr. Marielos and her Father will continue working with them.

The boys were happy and liked the Sun Glasses very much. I was able to be with them for dinner and we had a great time together.
About 40 of the Nuns received a bath towel, toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss. In the afternoon after the mission was over we prayed all together a Holy Rosary and sang. It was beautiful.
At this place, the nuns feed the poor breakfast and dinner every day.
To achieve all of this it took me 3 months to purchase the Dental supplies and ship a huge box to make sure everything would arrive on time before my visit.
I am hoping to come back and continue taking care of the children's dental care next year.
Very Blessing mission.
Thank you to the people who support this mission and also to my sister who helped.
Healthy Teeth Journey of Hope.
Susana Scarlet Sandoval

Hogar de La Niña Nuestra Señora Consoladora, el Boquerón, Cuilapa Santa Rosa.
Coming back to this home after I left the boy's orphanage from Guatemala, city. I came with a huge box bringing Dental Supplies and Dental instruments they need at this location. It is about 2 1/2 hours away from the city and traffic was not easy at all. I was very happy to see the nuns and the girls. They always smile and are excited to have their Dental care because they don’t have a Dentist.
I was here for 2 days and there were about 100 girls that I was able to clean their teeth. During my mission, I become despairing and sad because the girls are facing a lot of decay. Despite that the oldest start having permanent teeth are they also have decay.
Dr. Victor Morales who has helped me in the past came and we had to do many stainless crowns and root canals on baby teeth, so the children can have a few more years before the permanent teeth arrive.
Fluoride treatment was needed very badly, I am glad I was able to bring it. Sadly some teeth need to be extracted because the infection was bad. Girls receive dolls and they like it. Others receive clothes, beanie babies stuffed animals, medals, Holy Rosary, and prayers.
This clinic received an old X-ray unit also beside the supplies. It is good to have it and be able to take X-rays.

I brought puzzles for the girls to do while they were waiting and they were able to play and have fun.
In the afternoon this place keeps the same schedule as the boys and we pray and sing in the afternoon.
I was able to attend a Holy Mass here because Father Ricardo Cordon comes only 2 days per week because this rural community is poor and he is the only priest, he is working on building small chapels to be able to reach out to more people. The last day before I left we all got together and sang.
The need for a dentist is urgent. I talked to Doctor Morales and he will come once a week starting the month of October to take care of the girls, hopefully in a few months he will be able to restore many teeth for the girls.
I am glad I came and saw the need and plan to come back next year.
Many Blessings.
Healthy Teeth Journey of Hope
Susana Scarlet Sandoval